At Multi-Bookbinding, our expertise in casebinding (also known as hardback binding or reliure caisse) is our trademark service. Our clients have asociated this type of binding with our business for over 25 years. We have put a lot of energy and resources into developing this niche market for our company. Multi- Bookbinding is the principal casebinder in theacross Canada and the United States.
Multi-Bookbinding specializes in this type of binding, generally used for high-end books such as yearbooks, scholary works:
At Multi-Bookbinding, we use specialized precise equipment to ensure optimal quality at speeds of up to 2,000 volumes per hour. We have been able to successfully tailor our work methods to the industry’s average run, which has rapidly changed over the course of the last few years and is now stable at 1,250 copies.
Multi-Reliure has also developed a work method focused on the quality of the finished product, beginning with the training of our staff and the rigorous maintenance of our equipment. Our success is the result of joint teamwork.
Also known as dutch binding or reliure intégrale, this type of binding is very widespread in Europe. It has all of the characteristics of a standard casebound book but with a soft cover of 12 points (3 mm).This specialized construction results in a flexible product for the benefit of the end-users – for example, it is an ideal format for travel guides.